Let's start the year together!
First of all, congratulations and welcome to our Marauder family! We’re committed to providing you and the entire incoming class with the best transition and orientation experience to get you ready for university life at McMaster. We’ve planned an exciting Welcome Week for you that includes academic and social programming, interactive games and activities, Faculty-based events and opportunities to connect with other incoming and upper-year students along with staff and faculty. Throughout Welcome Week, the following three themes will emerge.
Promotion of Health and Well-being. The understanding that health is viewed across a spectrum and includes multiple dimensions such as; physical, mental, spiritual, relational, financial and food security, all of which are critical for success.
Academic Preparedness. In partnership with peers, upper-year leaders and mentors, staff and faculty, students will develop a sense of belonging as they transition into the academic culture of McMaster.
Advancement of Equity and Inclusion. McMaster strives to be a welcoming and diverse campus, where students and staff can challenge their personal biases and privilege and be supported through various on campus resources to attain this goal. Students have the right to study, work and live in an environment free from harassment, discrimination and sexual violence.
Check your McMaster email for updates and announcements, and follow us on Instagram, @MacWelcomeWeek, @MacSSC and @MSUCampusEvents.

Brought to you in partnership by McMaster Student Success Centre, McMaster Residence Life, McMaster Equity and Inclusion Office, McMaster Student Accessibility Services, McMaster Student Wellness Centre, McMaster Indigenous Student Services, Black Student Success Centre, McMaster Athletics & Recreation, Office of Alumni Advancement, University Health and Safety, and the McMaster Students Union (MSU), including the McMaster Science Society, McMaster Social Sciences Society, McMaster Humanities Society, McMaster Engineering Society, DeGroote Commerce Society, Society of Arts & Science Students, McMaster Kinesiology Society, McMaster University Nursing Students Society, Bachelor of Health Sciences Society